Android Apps
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"Websites that work for you"


Beyond Website Design
Beyond Website Design

We Never Stop Learning

The ability to create Android Apps is the latest addition to our tool box and required us learning yet another software package, Android Studio. Based on Java, Android Studio is not an easy tool to use and requires knowledge of how other software works in order to make sense of the very complex interface.

Beyond Website Design

A few of our clients were requesting Apps to support tasks within their businesses and we were happy to oblige although it is unlikely that we will be developing Apps for iphones.

The apps we created for them are very specialised but we are developing a range of apps for gardeners, bakers and cooks which may be of interest to some of you.

Studiosoft - Android Apps

The Ability to Rectify Problems

The world of computing is a complex one and the ability to deal with unexpected problems is vital for us. We do not offer hardware services, as our skills lie within creating software but we have a wealth of experience which enables us to assess a situation and suggest the steps to take in order to rectify issues, as they occur.

Our Android journey has not been a smooth one but once we upgraded our development machine to one with a fancy 8 core processor and added 16Gb of RAM, Android Studio ran like a dream and our speed of production has vastly increased.

We had upgraded an existing machine and a week after completing the upgrade, the hard drive failed. We had backups of all our important files so only had to reinstall the operating system. Fortunately, this machine is Linux based so unlike a Windows machine which would take days to reconfigure. The whole process only took 2 hours.

If you have an idea for an app, we have the necessesary skills to develop it for you, please contact us with your requirements.

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